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Why I Tried to Kill My Wife?

My wife shot me the other day. It’s okay. I tried to kill her first. She was just acting in self defense.

With several of our friends, Athena and I tried out the game of paintball. It is a game begun by some farmers who originally used paintball guns to mark which cows needed to be vaccinated. They brilliantly came up with the idea of making a military-type game with the guns. In the last few years, it has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry.

We began the day with a game of capture the flag. Athena and I were on the same team and we managed to steal the other teams flag and bring it back to our home base for the victory. In a different game where Athena shot me, she was originally on my team but the other team shot her so she had to defect to their team. When she shot me, I also had to join their team so we were back together again.

Perhaps you are scratching your head by now and wondering what this has to do with romance. There is no greater romance than between a couple who are best friends. And friendships are based on shared experiences. Paintball is just one more unique experience that Athena and I have shared together that has bound us even closer. The next time you feel like killing your spouse, go play some paintball.

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